Ways to Enjoy Drinking Coffee More

Ways to Enjoy Drinking Coffee More


Coffee is one of the world’s most popular drinks, and for good reason. It can be savored in a variety of ways, from being brewed straight up to being combined with milk and sugar. However, there are so many other ways to enjoy your coffee that you may not have considered! Here are some interesting facts that will help you get started.

Mix with Whisky 

A great way to enjoy drinking coffee more is to mix it with whisky. Whisky can be used in a variety of ways, but one of the most popular is mixing it with water and ice. This is a great way to enjoy your coffee on the rocks, without having to add any sugar or cream.

Adding whisky to your coffee will give it a distinct taste that you may not be used to at first, but once you get used to it, you’ll never want your coffee any other way.

Another option for enjoying your whisky coffee is by mixing it in an espresso machine. You may have never tried this before, but if you’re looking for something new and exciting then this could be just what you need.

Mixing your whisky with espresso will give you a strong kick of caffeine that will keep you energized all day long. Not only that, but it will also give you a delicious flavor which will make drinking coffee even more enjoyable than ever before.

Use good water

The quality of your water is important for a variety of reasons, but it’s especially important about coffee. According to this experiment published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, using good-quality water can make a huge difference in how much caffeine you get out of your brew.

The study found that using filtered water (which is free from impurities) increased the amount of caffeine by almost 25 percent compared to tap water. The researchers also tested other variables like temperature and brewing time and found that all three affected caffeine content: higher temperatures produced more caffeine; longer steeping times meant less; and darker roasts contain more than lighter ones.

Mix with Juices

Coffee is a wonderful drink that can perk up your day. However, it’s important to remember that coffee alone is not enough to keep you energized throughout the day. You also need to eat a balanced diet and hydrate yourself properly.

You can mix coffee with juices to make it more palatable and nutritious. The following are some tips on how you can mix coffee with juices:

– You can mix lemon juice into your coffee for an extra boost of energy. This will also help reduce the acidity of your stomach and improve your digestion process.

– You can use honey instead of sugar in your coffee if you want a sweeter taste without all the extra calories from sugar or artificial sweeteners like Splenda or Equal/NutraSweet.

– You can add milk or cream to your coffee if you want a creamy texture without all those extra calories from fat-free milk or nonfat milk options like Soy Milk, Almond Milk (unsweetened), Coconut Milk (unsweetened), Cashew Milk (unsweetened) etc.

Grind fresh beans immediately before brewing

  • Grind fresh beans immediately before brewing.
  • Coffee ground too far in advance will be stale and flat tasting, as the oils responsible for aroma and flavor deplete over time. Grinding beans too soon will result in over-extraction and bitter coffee.

Start with the right ratio of coffee to water

There’s a reason why many coffee experts recommend using the ratio of 1:15 when making your cup of joe. It provides the perfect balance between extraction and dilution for most coffees.

This is because different beans have different densities, which affects how quickly they’ll dissolve in water and extract their flavor compounds during brewing. So if you’re using a finer-ground bean with low density—like an espresso roast or a single-origin Ethiopian blend—you’ll get more flavor out of it by using less water and vice versa.

However, if you’re like me, who prefers to brew drip coffee in my French press every morning without fail (and also likes to experiment with new brew methods), then this number may not be right for you all the time! Luckily other ways can help ensure that each cup tastes as good as possible while still maintaining consistency between brews…

Filter appropriately

To get the most out of your coffee, you want to make sure you’re filtering it properly. While it might seem like a simple task, several steps go into ensuring that your coffee is getting filtered correctly. First, you should change your filters regularly. If they’re past their prime or worn out after being used too many times, they won’t work as well in removing flavor from the coffee grounds. Make sure to replace them when necessary!

Next comes cleaning and drying: both paper and metal filters need regular attention in this area if they’re going to function effectively. Paper filters can be composted after use if they’ve been washed prior; otherwise, simply throw them away when done with them—they’re not recyclable (or biodegradable). Metal ones will need proper disposal as well—recycle where possible but otherwise toss them out with other non-recyclable plastics and metals (this is why it’s important to keep track of what kind of filter you’re using!). Finally—and perhaps most importantly—ensure that damaged parts aren’t compromising functionality by replacing damaged pieces right away!

Look after your equipment

Make sure your equipment is clean. If you have a drip coffee maker, it’s important to clean the machine regularly. This can be done using vinegar or a cleaning solution recommended by the manufacturer of your particular model.

If you grind your beans, make sure that you’re storing them in an airtight container away from moisture when not in use. It’s also advised that you clean out any excess grounds from the grinder after each use so that they don’t start to clog up the blades and prevent them from working properly when needed later on in the life span of your beloved appliance!

Only use fresh beans and store them correctly

First and foremost, only use fresh beans. Store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. If you’ve got more coffee than you can drink before it goes stale, store the extra beans in an opaque container (to avoid light exposure) and freeze them for up to three months. Avoid storing your coffee near heat sources like ovens or microwaves because they will lower its quality. Another important thing to remember is that it’s not good to store your coffee in either a fridge or freezer; these cold temperatures can cause condensation on the outside of the bag which then drips down into the bag itself when opened. Finally, never keep your beans anywhere where they could come in contact with direct sunlight as this will ruin their flavor over time; this includes cupboards above cooking appliances like stoves or refrigerators!

To recap: only use fresh beans from sealed packages; keep them stored away from excessive heat sources like microwaves and ovens; avoid exposing them directly to sunlight by storing them out of reach on high shelves; don’t refrigerate/freeze them (though freezing works well for short-term storage); make sure all exposed surfaces are protected from moisture by sealing off any leaks with plastic wrap before sealing tightly shut with tape if necessary (airtight containers recommended).

Use a burr grinder for a consistent grind

You might be familiar with the term burr grinder. If you’re not, a burr grinder is a machine that grinds your coffee beans into whatever size you want. Most people know what a blade grinder is—it’s one with two sharp blades that spin in opposite directions and chop up your beans. While they can get the job done, blade grinders don’t offer consistent sizes, which means some of your grounds will be too fine for espresso or too coarse for French press. A good burr grinder produces uniform particles every time and makes it easier to control how fine or coarse the coffee will be when brewing.

Burrs are made out of hardened steel and have many small teeth on them that cut through coffee beans as they pass through them (hence why they’re called “burrs”). The distance between each tooth changes depending on how fine or coarse you want your grounds to be—the closer together they are, the finer ground coffee you’ll end up with; if spaced further apart from each other, then larger chunks of coffee will fall through until only powder remains where once there was bean flesh!

Only buy enough beans for about two weeks’ worth of drinking

If you’re a heavy coffee drinker, you may have noticed that buying beans in bulk can be a little tricky. If you don’t buy enough beans to last for about two weeks of drinking, it might seem like a waste to throw out the remaining bag. However, if you have more than enough for your needs but not enough room to store them properly (not all of us have full pantries), then your coffee will go stale. The best way to avoid this problem is by keeping track of how much coffee you use and only buying enough for about two weeks’ worth of drinking time.

To ensure that your beans stay fresh as long as possible after purchase and don’t dry out before they’ve been used up entirely (which happens if they’re stored incorrectly or too tightly packed together), we recommend storing them in an airtight container away from sunlight at room temperature until ready for use.

There are steps you can take to make sure your coffee reaches its full delicious potential every time

There are steps you can take to make sure your coffee reaches its full delicious potential every time!

  • Use good water. Quality water makes a big difference in how your coffee tastes, so use filtered or spring water. If you’re not sure what kind of filter you should use, experiment with a few different kinds and see which one makes the most difference for you.
  • Grind fresh beans immediately before brewing. Freshly ground beans have more flavor than pre-ground ones, which means that they will deliver better results when brewed into coffee! But don’t overdo it: ground beans lose their flavor quickly, so buy only enough for about two weeks’ worth of drinking (about 1/4 pound).
  • Start with the right ratio of coffee to water. The general rule is 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces (or 180 ml) of water—but everyone has different preferences when it comes to how strong they like their cup of joe, so experiment until you find what works best for you.


As we’ve seen, there are many ways to make sure you get the most out of your coffee every morning from how you brew it to where you buy it from. We hope this article has helped shed some light on what makes a great cup of joe, and that you’ll never have to settle for subpar coffee again.