During the launch of its new smart office lineup in Barcelona, Huawei introduced seven products, including the new top-end laptop HUAWEI MateBook 13s, first printer PixLab X1, e-ink tablet, and the MateStation X desktop PC. The company also announced that over 100 million users have already upgraded to its new operating system HarmonyOS 2. Moreover, the company will introduce the MateBook E, a smaller, cheaper model of its popular X-series notebook.
The HUAWEI Intelligent Smart Office is one of the key scenarios in Seamless AI Life. Its vision is to offer a seamless experience to consumers, from the office to the home. Its platform combines two core HUAWEI capabilities: Cross-Device Collaboration and Ecosystem Integration. By integrating these two technologies, the company hopes to help consumers achieve better work-life balance. Moreover, it will also boost creativity by making communication more efficient and smoother.
In addition, the smart office for mobile is a key feature of the HUAWEI Super Device, which will help users get better productivity from their devices. The Super Device allows users to share resources among all their HUAWEI products. Its unified interface will help users find the right product for the task at hand. It will also enable consumers to communicate with their friends, colleagues, and colleagues without leaving the office.
The new HUAWEI Assistant*TODAY for PC provides cross-device access to real-time information and intelligent recommendations across all of their devices. The new Huawei Assistant*TODAY for PC will open up a whole new world of convenience. Additionally, the new HUAWEI Core, five HMS Core, and AppGallery will further enhance the company’s capabilities. This will further strengthen the global ecosystem of the HUAWEI Mobile Services.
The HUAWEI Intelligent Smart Office is one of the most important scenarios in the Seamless AI Life. The Intelligent Smart Office brings together two HUAWEI capabilities: cross-device collaboration and ecosystem integration. The company’s products will integrate to work with each other in real-time. The technology will enable users to work more effectively while at home. The e-ink tablet and the laptop are integrated.
The Huawei PixLab X1 is the company’s first e-reader device. The device’s 10.3-inch display and HarmonyOS technology make it a direct competitor of Amazon’s Kindle. With the “Super Device” system, users can drag icons from other Huawei devices to the PC and use it as a central hub. The company’s long-term strategy is to provide smart, mobile-based products that help users live better lives.
The Huawei PixLab X1 printer runs on HarmonyOS and is part of the smart office for mobile. The new printing technology enables the PixLab X1 printer to connect to nearby HUAWEI products via Bluetooth in 20 seconds. It also supports Tap to Print. The company will unveil more products in the future. While the Huawei P1 is the first e-reader in the world, the PixLab X1 is the company’s first e-reader.
The company’s PixLab X1 printer runs the HarmonyOS software and is part of the smart office series. The PX1 features cutting-edge printing technology. The device connects to nearby HUAWEI products via Bluetooth. It is possible to connect the PixLab X1 in 20 seconds. It also supports the Tap to Print feature on smartphones and tablets. The HUAWEI PX1 has a touchscreen that lets users tap to print files.
The Huawei PX1 printer runs HarmonyOS, the company’s first e-reader, is a new version of its HUAWEI PX1 laptop. It has a large 10-inch display. The HP MateBook Paper includes the company’s “Super Device” system that allows users to drag and drop icons from Huawei devices onto their PCs. The PC will then act as the central hub for all their personal and business lives.
The HUAWEI PX1 has a built-in wireless adapter and Bluetooth. The HUAWEI PX1 is a smart office for mobile Consumer.HUAWEI.COM website. The HUAWEI PX1 has an app that is compatible with both Android and iOS devices. In addition to being an excellent Android phone, the PX1 is also an ideal computer for business users.