Common Marital Problems Couples Face and Solutions


Marriage is meant to be a partnership, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Marriage is about compromise and understanding each other’s needs, but sometimes those needs just don’t align with each other. These common marital problems can often surface when one or both partners aren’t communicating their wants and needs effectively, which can lead to resentment on both sides of the relationship. But if we’re willing to fight through our differences and learn from them together not just throw them away like so much garbage then we will grow stronger as individuals as well as a couple.


To have a healthy relationship, you need to communicate your feelings and thoughts. Don’t assume that your partner knows what you are thinking or feeling. If there is something important that has been bothering you, bring it up with them in a respectful way, rather than ignoring the issue or avoiding conflict altogether.

Don’t blame each other for things outside your control (for example: “You never help me around the house!”). It’s important not only for couples but also families and friends as well. If your partner doesn’t want to talk about issues that arise in your relationship or doesn’t seem interested in solving them, it might be time for marriage counseling. Marriage counseling like this marriage counseling in Melbourne can help you figure out how to communicate better with each other so that you can work on resolving any issues that come up in your relationship.

Mismatched Libidos

If you are a normal human being, you have probably noticed that the desire for sexual activity varies from person to person. Some people want it all the time and others virtually never do. This phenomenon is called libido, which is Latin for “desire.”

Libido differences are common in relationships and can be difficult to deal with because they can lead to feelings of rejection or resentment if one partner thinks they’re being rejected by their spouse when they make advances toward them. However, it’s important not to jump to conclusions about what your partner means when they say no, it may just be that their bodies aren’t ready yet.

If this is an issue in your relationship and neither of you seems able or willing enough to work through it on their own (or together), consider seeking out professional help from a therapist who specializes in sex therapy. The therapist will help both parties understand each other better so that they can communicate more effectively without getting hurt by misunderstandings along the way and hopefully find ways around any roadblocks preventing them from having fulfilling sex lives together as well. Another solution is the use of erectile dysfunction vacuum pumps to help the blood flow to the area and causes an erection.

Lack of Romantic Gestures

The lack of romantic gestures in a relationship can be one of the most painful and difficult problems to deal with. It can make you feel like your partner doesn’t care about you and that they don’t love you as much as they should. But it’s important to remember that even if they don’t show it in outward ways, they do care and they do love you, they just might not know how to show it.

If this is a problem in your relationship, the first thing you should do is talk about it with your partner and ask them what they need from you to make them feel more loved by you. Then, make an effort to give them those things. If talking about it doesn’t work, try some other methods like surprise gifts or flower delivery like the flowers delivered in Sutherland Shire; anything that works for both of you will help solve this problem.

Don’t let your problems stay unresolved

When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to let the little things get in the way of the big ones. You might be annoyed that your partner doesn’t pick up after themselves, or maybe they forgot to buy milk on their way home from work.

But these little issues can have a big impact on your overall happiness if they aren’t dealt with properly–and oftentimes, couples don’t deal with them at all! Instead of letting your problems fester and build up over time (and then explode into an argument), try approaching each issue as soon as it arises. Don’t let problems become bigger than they are by avoiding them; instead, address them head-on so that both partners feel heard and understood by one another.

Be honest with yourself about the problems you have together.

If you want to solve your problems, neither partner must be afraid, to be honest about the issues. Don’t ignore them or pretend they don’t exist and don’t blame each other for them either. It’s also important not to blame yourself or your partner for things that aren’t their fault–it’s easy for couples to get into the habit of blaming each other over time, but this will only make things worse in the long run!

If one person feels like their needs aren’t being met by their partner, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family members (or even a therapist). This can help keep both people accountable so that everyone feels heard and respected during difficult conversations about how the best way forward together as a couple.

Disagreements and fights can help you learn about each other.

Disagreements and fights are a normal part of any relationship. They’re not always bad, but they do cause stress in your marriage — which is why it’s important to approach them with caution.

But disagreements aren’t something new; they’re an inevitable part of life and relationships. When we’re unhappy with something our partner does or says, we tend to get upset and express our frustration in some way (usually by yelling). This can lead to more arguments or fighting over time if both parties don’t learn how to disagree without fighting so much.

Your relationship needs both intimacy and independence for it to be healthy

One of the most critical parts of a healthy relationship is having time apart from each other. You need to be able to come back together and share your experiences, but you also need some time to yourself so that you can recharge and be ready for the next adventure together. It’s important that both partners can give each other space when needed, but also spend quality time together when they feel like it.

One issue that comes up often in relationships is communication breakdowns where one person feels as though they aren’t getting their needs met by their partner or vice versa. This can lead them both to feel unhappy in their relationship which will eventually lead down a path toward divorce if left unchecked. However, there are ways around this problem such as talking through problems instead of keeping them bottled up inside until later on down the road when things become even worse than before due to a lackadaisical attitude about resolving issues head-on rather than letting things build up over time until someone explodes (either emotionally or physically) because they couldn’t take any more pressure placed upon them anymore.

Expect change in your relationship, but know that change doesn’t need to be frightening

You may be wondering why we are talking about change in your relationship. The answer is simple: it’s inevitable. All relationships go through periods of change, and these times can be very exciting or scary depending on how you look at them. When you start dating someone new, there will be changes in how you communicate with each other, but those changes are normal and expected as you get to know each other better over time. If one person wants more commitment than the other person does at this point, they may need some help figuring out how best to move forward together without causing friction between them (or even end things). An experienced couples therapist can offer guidance through these kinds of situations so that both parties feel heard and understood by their partner–and ultimately lead toward greater happiness together.

Every relationship is different, and you want yours to be a good fit for both of you.

Every relationship is different, and you want yours to be a good fit for both of you. But there are some common problems that couples face, and they can get in the way of your happiness together.

One problem many couples experience is mismatched libidos — one person wants sex more often than the other person does. If this happens with you and your partner, try not to let it become an issue between you two; instead, talk about it openly so that each person knows how the other feels about sex and what’s going on inside their head when they’re not interested in having sex with their partner at that moment (or ever).

Disagreements and fights can help you learn about each other by giving each person insight into how their partner thinks or feels about something important like money management or parenting styles (if they have kids).

Accept that things won’t always be perfect, but they won’t always be bad either.

It’s normal for things to be less than perfect, but it’s also important to remember that they won’t always be bad either. You should know that you will have good times, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Don’t let the bad times ruin the good ones or make them go away completely; instead, focus on enjoying them and making sure they last as long as possible.

Likewise, don’t let your relationship become complacent because of its successes; keep working at it so that it continues being successful!

Respect your differences in an argument (or at any time).

The most important thing to remember when you’re dealing with a difference of opinion is that you both have the right to have your own ideas and beliefs. This applies whether you are arguing over something small, like what movie to watch or where exactly to eat dinner, or something larger, like how much money should be spent on vacations or how often one partner wants sex compared to another. Respect each other’s right to have different needs and desires; even if those needs and desires seem silly or illogical at first glance! It’s okay for someone who enjoys quiet evenings at home reading books all day every day not to want their partner coming home late from work every night because he/she went out drinking with co-workers instead–he/she deserves some peace too!

Acknowledge that people change over time, and embrace their new personality traits as they emerge.

It’s important to acknowledge that people change over time, and embrace their new personality traits as they emerge. Don’t be afraid of the unknown!

Instead of trying to force your partner into being someone they aren’t or refusing to acknowledge their changes, try accepting them for who they are now and working with them on improving those areas where you see room for growth.


Hope that by reading this article, you’ve gained a better understanding of the common marital problems couples face and how to solve them. If you’re experiencing any of these issues in your marriage, don’t be afraid to seek help from a professional who can guide you through the process.