Content Development Plan for Websites- A Step By Step Guide

Content development allows businesses to engage their consumers and generate leads and sales. Therefore, generating an excellent development plan can go a long way toward securing your online presence.

However, most business owners struggle to generate a content plan that resonates with their business and can engage their consumers. So, in this post, we will discuss how you can generate a content development plan for your website. Stay tuned to learn all the best tips and tricks.

You will need to follow these 8 steps to develop your content plan:

  1. Define your goals
  2. Determine your audience
  3. Audit your existing content
  4. Map your content
  5. Generate content
  6. Upload and optimize your content
  7. Promote your content
  8. Maintain and scale your content

Scroll down to know further about these steps:

Defining Content Goals

Content planning for websites begins with solid, achievable goals in mind. Therefore, first of all, you need to determine what you are looking to achieve and set a timeline. Once you have these answers, you will need to set the basics for a content development plan for your website.

To set your basics you will need to determine what your content will give your audience. Will you sell products to your audience or generate awareness to increase your brand value? What are your consumers looking for, and what are their primary concerns? What kind of content do you want to deliver, and how will you measure your success? These detailed goals will help you determine your KPIs (key performance indicators.)

Once your goals and KPIs are set, you can start thinking about the goal of your website’s content. Generally, there are 4 goals website content tries to achieve:

In general, each piece of content on your website should focus on achieving multiple goals at once. Educating, offering a solution, and influencing buying decisions are the primary concerns for most business owners. 

Determining Audiences

Determining your audience is another core factor of your content development strategy. If you want to generate leads and increase your sales, the content on every page of your website should communicate with your audience.

Therefore, you will need to study your audience carefully, so you don’t miss any detail. You will need to think more like your website’s visitors and walk a mile in their shoes. Here are a few important notes you should take into consideration:

  • Psychographics and demographics of your audience
  • Information that your audience needs and want
  • How your audience will navigate through your website
  • Factors that convert website visitors into consumers

Auditing Content

Auditing content may not be as exciting as creating them, yet it’s supercritical. In this step, you list the content you currently have and what you will need. 

Take a look at your competitors’ websites, see where they excel and discover their weaknesses. It will help you generate your plan for your website content. Also, if you have any helpful content on your website, plan how you can repurpose them. 

You can also collect materials by sourcing and reviewing your customer transcripts. Conduct a competitive analysis to get proper insights for your website.

Content Mapping

Once you have identified the content you need, start making a content map. This map will help you determine structure and hierarchy to describe the relationship between content on your website. 

Bucket your content by importance and theme. Create top-level pages on your website for diverse content. Then keep similar content on one top-level page and put diverse content on different pages. Also, make sure all those top-level pages are accessible from the homepage of your website. 

Generate Content

Once you have gone through the previous 4 steps, you can start creating your content. This content will define the type of business you are running. Therefore, you will need to keep the tone, style, and voice similar.

Clarify why audiences should prefer your business over others, and discuss how you can help them. You need to ensure that your content offers tangible values and resonates with your audience. You will need to make a lasting impression on your audience with your content. This will make them return to your website for necessary information whenever they need it. 

Thus, you can create engagement in your website and generate leads.

Upload and Optimize Your Content

Once you have created your content, you can start uploading them. First, you should fill your parent pages with pillar content and then work your way through child pages. Upload your content when they are fresh and publish them. In some cases, you can schedule your content to publish at a later date.

Optimizing your content allows it to reach a maximum audience. You will need to follow SEO practices while generating content. Select your primary keyword carefully and assign different keywords for different pages. Make sure your keywords are high-volume and low competition. 

Add SEO elements to your content. Make sure your content has metadata, header tags, URL, body copy, and Alt tags. Otherwise, search engine spiders will have a hard time reading your content and may not rank it properly.

Promote Your Content

Creating and publishing content can take substantial time. Therefore, make sure all your efforts are not in vain. You can get better views for your content when you promote it properly.

You can administer pop-up windows and landing pages to promote specific content. Also, social media has been an important channel for promoting your content. Email marketing and newsletters have been proven methods to reach out to your consumers as well.

You can create a content distribution checklist to help you promote your work. It will help you build a standardized procedure and allow you to follow it properly.

Maintain and Scale Your Content

Last but not least, keeping your content fresh is crucial for maintaining your SEO success. You need to plan for refreshing and republishing content.

Anticipate what kind of content your consumers will look for. Answer the questions visitors will have after reading your content. When you stay up-to-date in delivering necessary information, you can stay on top of the search results.

Your content stream should be steady. However, they should not be suffocating or come in long intervals. You will need to find the balance in delivering content where your audience won’t feel overwhelmed and also don’t lose interest in your website.

Document the success and hardships of your content. Keep them under proper tracking and generate ideas for future content. Also, make sure to avoid duplicate content.

Bottom Line

Content development planning for websites can bring out huge differences between businesses. This plan can either establish your business as a brand or destroy your whole business. Therefore, you should take your time to plan the strategies carefully and execute them systematically.

Creating a content development plan is not an easy task. However, you can get helpful benefits when you follow these above-mentioned steps. Make sure to learn about content strategies further if you need assistance.