DIY Guide: How to Install an RV Slide Out Awning in 3 Simple Steps

How to Install an RV Slide Out Awning in 3 Simple Steps

As an RV owner, you know the importance of having a comfortable and functional living space on the road. One key component of that comfort is a slide-out awning. A slide-out awning protects the interior of your RV from the elements, keeps your slide-out area free of debris, and adds an extra layer of privacy.

Installing a slide-out awning can seem daunting, but it’s something that you can easily do yourself. This guide will take you through the three simple steps of installing an RV slide out awning. Read on to learn more.

1. Measure Your Slide Out

The first step in installing your RV slide-out awning is to measure the length and width of your slide-out. Be sure to measure the area, including any slide toppers you already have.

Once you have your measurements, you can order your slide-out awning kit (which usually comes with the necessary hardware and installation instructions).

2. Assemble the Awning

Assembling the awning is a critical step that requires your attention to detail. You’ll notice that the awning kit includes various components such as awning rails, torsion assembly, roll tube, and fabric.

Start by attaching the awning fabric to the roll tube. The fabric should be mounted with the shiny side facing up and the rubber bead towards the torsion assemblies.

Next, slide the awning rail into the torsion assembly. Make sure the holes in the rail align with those in the assembly, and then attach using the provided screws. It’s crucial to ensure that all the screws are securely tightened, as they will bear the load of the awning. If you’re using a drill, be careful not to overtighten and strip the screw holes.

Remember, assembling the awning is a two-person job. One person should hold the awning assembly steady while the other attaches it to the RV. Coordination is vital to mount it correctly and safely.

3. Attach the Awning

After threading the fabric through the awning frame, use the screws provided in your kit to secure it tightly. Ensure the fabric is taut but not overly stretched to prevent unnecessary strain or damage. It’s crucial to check the awning’s alignment concerning the edge of your slide-out. It should be centered and straight for optimal function and aesthetics.

Once the awning fabric is secure, attach the awning arms to your RV. These are usually affixed to the side of the RV with screws. Ensure they’re securely fastened, and the awning fabric rolls out smoothly.

Since you have installed your slide-out awning, protecting your investment is essential. Regularly cleaning and treating the fabric with a protectant spray will help extend the life of your awning. Also, retract the awning during high wind or when you’re traveling to ensure it stays in good condition.

RV awning setup is crucial, so check out suppliers like Leisureland for help with do-it-yourself instructions. 

Understanding How to Install an RV Slide Out Awning

With these three simple steps, you’ve successfully installed an RV slide out awning. Not only will this awning provide extra protection and privacy for your slide-out, but it’s also an investment in the longevity of your RV.

By following the instructions carefully and cleaning and protecting your awning correctly, you’ll enjoy the benefits of your new slide-out awning for many future trips. Happy RVing!

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