Things You Should Know Before Building a House


I thought it would be simple. I’d order my perfect house online, and it would show up on my doorstep in a few months. The reality? Building a house is a challenging and intensive process that requires your full attention. Hire the right builders, plan for unexpected expenses, and make sure you know how to protect yourself—all before taking on this project!

Build the right house for you with these tips.

Build the right house for you with these tips.

  • Make sure your builder understands your needs and budget and has a reputation for building quality homes.
  • Hire a reputable home inspector who will give you an unbiased opinion of what’s wrong with the house, not just tell you which problems he can fix (and charge more than you’d expect.)
  • Know your rights when it comes to warranties on appliances, etc., and make sure all of them are written in clear English that everyone can understand–don’t sign anything until it’s translated into plain English!

Build in the right place.

Before you build, consider where your house is going to be. This doesn’t just mean the location of the house itself, but also how it relates to your family and career. What’s nice about this part is that most people already have a good idea of what they want from their home life: They know whether they want their kids to go to public or private schools; they’ve selected a neighborhood or town; even if not, certain areas will feel more like home than others. But when it comes time for building and selling, keep in mind what kind of place you’re creating so that there are no surprises later on down the road.

Plan to save time and money.

Having a plan of attack can save you money, time, and stress. It can also help you feel more in control of the process.

When it comes to building a house from scratch, planning is really important. If you don’t do this, then chances are that things will go wrong and there won’t be enough time for everything. This means that your project could take longer than expected—and that means more money spent on labor costs.

With proper planning and scheduling, however, many problems can be avoided entirely or minimized greatly (like having too many people working at once). For example, if there’s too much activity on one section of your home being built by one company instead of another company coming in later on with their workers—that could cause delays due to poor communication between everyone involved in building your house!

Anticipate some unexpected expenses.

When we started building our house, we thought that the construction would go smoothly and there would be no unexpected costs. You know what they say about assuming—it makes an ass out of you and me. Our experience was full of surprises:

  • The first surprise came when it turned out that our foundation had been built on a pile of rocks. We had to dig down eight feet to get solid dirt before we could lay our foundation walls. It took two months longer than expected, but it was worth it because now we have a sturdy foundation that will last forever (or until the next ice age).
  • The second surprise came when the concrete guys showed up with some extra crew members who weren’t part of the original contract but needed to be paid for their work anyway because they were friends with one of the employees at my subcontractor’s company. I didn’t want any trouble from either side so I agreed to pay them $500 each for their overtime hours—an unexpected cost that ate into my profit margin by almost 20 percent!
  • The third surprise came when I realized how expensive it is to pay contractors by credit card—a practice many builders use because they don’t have cash available at all times during construction projects due to fluctuating budgets or delays in getting paid by clients themselves who may not have cash readily available either (this happens often in real estate markets).

Choose a local builder that fits your budget and needs.

Choosing a local builder that fits your budget and needs.

When building a custom home, it’s important to find someone familiar with the area in which you plan to build. A knowledgeable builder will have experience with local ordinances and codes, as well as knowledge of what materials are available in your area. Also, consider hiring an architect if needed; they can help you navigate the design process and make sure everything is built according to code so there are no surprises down the line.

Ask yourself: How many homes has this builder built? What is their reputation among other homeowners? Do they have any complaints against them? Get references from other homeowners who have worked with this particular contractor or builder before (I wish I would’ve done that). Also, ask about their level of quality control – how does their team protect each other from making mistakes? Quality roofing products should be used throughout construction so moisture doesn’t seep through walls/ceilings causing mold growth over time like this Auckland roofing

Hire a reputable home inspector.

Hire a reputable home inspector. When it comes to finding the right home inspector, there are two things to keep in mind: qualifications and references. Before you hire an inspector, make sure they have years of experience and can show you their credentials. If they’re not willing to provide this information up-front, go with someone else instead!

Additionally, ask for references from other customers who have used them before—the more positive reviews they have from happy customers, the better! When looking into potential inspectors in your area, also be sure that they are licensed as well as insured so that if anything goes wrong during inspection time (and it could happen!) then you’re covered under their policy should something go wrong on site or later down the line once you move into your new house. Finally don’t forget about Concrete testing too!

Inspection list

  • Inspect the foundation for cracks. The foundation is what holds up the house, so any cracks could spell trouble for the whole structure.
  • Check for water damage to the exterior walls and windows. If you find any, this could indicate a leak source that needs to be addressed before it becomes more serious (and expensive).
  • Look for signs of concrete decay or rot or do concrete testing around your home’s perimeter where it meets soil or ground coverings (such as grass). If you see damaged wood underneath, consider having someone come out to give you an estimate on how much repair will cost and how long it will take.
  • Inspect roofing materials carefully—especially those made with asphalt or wood shingles—for signs of termite damage like missing pieces or holes in seams between sheets of material; dry rot around eaves; cracked tiles; peeling paint; discolored areas on eaves due to moisture buildup. Call an exterminator immediately if there is any indication that these pests may be present in your home!

Hire a reputable home inspector.

One of the most important things to do before you buy a house is to hire a reputable home inspector. The inspection can reveal serious problems with your house that you may not have known about (and certainly didn’t want) and will help ensure that your new home is structurally sound. It’s important that you hire someone who is qualified, experienced, licensed, and insured—and make sure they’re not related to anyone involved in the sale of your property!

If they’re licensed and insured, they’ll also be required by law to provide written documentation from their inspection report on what issues were found with the property—these could include roof leaks or electrical issues that need attention immediately after moving in!

Know your rights when it comes to warranties.

When you buy a new house, it’s important to understand your rights when it comes to warranties. You may have seen the word “warranty” before and thought that it’s synonymous with insurance—but it isn’t. A warranty is like an insurance policy for your house: It protects against construction defects that could cause problems later on.

A builder’s warranty is different from a manufacturer’s warranty in this way: When you buy anything at all, there’s always some kind of policy backing up your purchase—whether it be a credit card or debit card, store gift card or PayPal notification—and these policies are designed not only to protect you but also serve as an incentive for businesses to offer better products and services overall. In other words, warranties help ensure that we get what we pay for when something goes wrong (like getting sick after eating tainted food). The more involved and complex something is—like building a home—the more complicated its warranty needs will be as well!

Pay attention to the fine print of your policy.

One of the most frustrating experiences I’ve had with my home insurance company is when it comes to their waiver policy. The insurance company refuses to cover water damage from leaking pipes, but they also won’t waive the deductible if you don’t have a leaky pipe.

I paid my premium and made sure that I was getting all the coverage that I needed. When I called them after my house flooded due to a broken water line, they said they wouldn’t cover it because there wasn’t an actual leak—the pipe was old and corroded, so it just burst open without any warning signs beforehand. At first glance, that makes sense: if there’s no proof that there was a problem with your pipes before the flood happened then what can you expect?

But then again… If one day your car breaks down on its own out in the middle of nowhere and then spontaneously catches fire for no reason at all (not even taking into account how unlikely this would be), who would want their insurance company paying for repairs? Or maybe someone’s house burns down unexpectedly overnight while everyone is asleep inside—who will pay for replacing all their belongings?

It’s hard to imagine what it will be like living in your new house until you’re living in a new house.

Since you will be living in your new home, it’s hard to imagine what it will be like until you’re living there. It’s also very difficult to know how you will feel about the house and its layout until you live there for a while. You won’t know whether or not your new kitchen works for cooking and baking, or whether the downstairs bedroom is too hot during the summer months.

You certainly can’t predict how well your family will fit into the space of your new home before they’ve experienced it. Your spouse might determine that he needs more privacy than he originally thought, or maybe one of your children has been having trouble sleeping at night and needs a place where he can retreat into silence when needed—only then will these factors become apparent.


I hope this article has given you some insight into what it takes to build a house and the pitfalls that could lead to problems down the line. Now that you’re armed with knowledge, you can make an informed decision on whether or not this is something worth pursuing.