4 Tax Tips for Expats

Quite a few Americans live overseas and immerse in a new culture. Over 6 million people worked abroad in 2012 in different parts of the world. You may enjoy all the luxuries in your country of residence, yet that does not exempt you from paying taxes in the US. The US is the only country…

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How Intune Multi-Tenant Works

Cloud multi-tenancy is now possible in Microsoft Office 365. By integrating the stand-alone platform Intune, Microsoft tenant management is made easy. With the updated admin center, this SaaS (software as a service) is empowered to manage multiple mailboxes and user accounts, monitor statistics, configure the cloud environment of Office 365, view the Intune tenant status…

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Car Loans For Beginners

You’ve decided to get a new car. Congratulations! This is an exciting time, and you should be proud of yourself for deciding to improve your lifestyle. But before you choose the perfect new ride, a few things must be settled first.  Additionally, you have to decide whether or not you want a loan and, if…

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Beach Vacation Must-Haves

When you’re headed on a beach trip, there are certain things you want to bring with you, either physically or mentally. Making sure you’re prepared for your vacation reduces the amount of time you have to spend stressing about things and allows you to enjoy the sun and sand. Vacation Attitude It may not be…

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12 Work From Home Tips

A remote job can give you new freedom and flexibility in your daily life. You can stay in your own comfortable home and make more time for loved ones. Perhaps you are looking to take up a hobby or devote hours to creative pursuits. Working from home can open up a world of professional and…

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