Communicating The Treatment Options for Dental Bone Loss

Are you aware that three out of five Americans don’t visit the dentist for regular checkups because they have anxiety?

Going to the dentist can be a nerve-wracking experience, but developing serious oral health problems is a lot scarier. Not only are routine cleanings less invasive, but they can also save you time, money, and pain.

Dental bone loss is becoming a common issue due to people’s poor oral hygiene habits and not visiting the dentist. Read on if you’d like to know 

Improving Oral Hygiene

The most effective periodontal treatment is being more diligent about cleaning your teeth. Dentists can work magic in their office, but the real results come from flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash every day.

When you floss once a day, be sure to work the floss in between each side of your tooth so your gums get a deep clean. It’s best to choose a soft-bristled toothbrush that you can use to gently massage your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes. Using mouthwash is as simple as swishing a dentist-approved brand around for 30 to 60 seconds.

Taking Antibiotics

If you have periodontitis or any other oral health condition that’s causing bone loss, then you may need to help your immune system by taking a round of antibiotics. When your gums are full of bacteria, it can be difficult for your body to clear the infection on its own.

Taking antibiotics can help wipe the slate clean and give your immune system the edge it needs to preserve your oral health.

Bone Grafting

Bone grafting is one of the most unique strategies for dental restoration. If you’re losing bone in the jaw area, then putting a bone graft there can protect the structure and prevent negative effects on your teeth and gums.

Since this is an invasive procedure, it’s only suggested for severe cases of bone loss. Your dentist will be able to guide you to the best treatment option based on your unique condition.

Dental Implants

People who have a missing tooth often feel self-conscious about their appearance. The reassuring news is that you can check out this dental implant education found here to learn about the process of getting new dental implants.

While implants may not be enough to stop the cause of bone loss, they can help restore your smile. You’ll also feel encouraged to take better care of your oral hygiene to maintain beautiful dental implants. As a result, your bone loss could slow down or stop.

Are You Suffering From Dental Bone Loss?

Dental bone loss is a serious problem, so you shouldn’t wait to seek professional help. After learning about the most common treatment plans, you can have a better idea of what to expect when you visit the dentist.

Your oral health is only one factor that contributes to your overall well-being. If you’d like to read more articles that can help you build a healthier lifestyle, explore our blog.