What Are the Best Practices to Tackle the Digestive Problems of Your Pet?


If your dog has digestive problems, you need to deal with them effectively so that it doesn’t create further health issues. You can take some steps on your own, whereas for other issues, you need the help of a vet.

Make sure you choose the right pet food too so that there are fewer chances of your dog getting digestive troubles in the future.

Take a Step by Step Approach

The best thing you can do for your pet is to take a step-by-step approach.

The first step is to make sure that the food you give your dog or cat is easily digestible. Some foods are made with corn and fillers that just don’t work well in the body. You want to give your pet something that will digest easily, so it doesn’t spend too much energy trying to process the nutrients it needs from its food.

Next, make sure that your pet gets enough water every day (a general rule of thumb is at least two cups per pound of body weight).

Thirdly, make sure they get enough exercise (again, around 30 minutes per day should be sufficient). This will help them stay healthy and strong so they can fight off any diseases or infections that may come their way!

Fourthly, make sure they get enough restful sleep at night. If there is one thing pets always feel better about when we humans aren’t around. Then perhaps being able to sleep soundly through the night without having nightmares about monsters under their beds eating their toes off (or something else equally horrifying).

Fifth and this should go without saying but here goes anyway: Make sure they’re getting enough affection! And finally sixthly but not least, ensure lots are going on around them so they don’t get bored. Dogs especially need stimulation as part of their everyday life whether it comes from walking outside together daily or playing fetch indoors while we’re away at work.

Go Back to the Basics of Food

Remember that a dog is a carnivore and should consume at least 70% of its diet from animal protein. A lot of pet food companies have been manipulating their products to be more appealing to consumers, which means less meat and more fillers. This can cause so many digestive issues in dogs, including bloating and diarrhea.

If you’re looking for some quality products for your pet, consider Purina Pro Plan.

Observe and Log in Details

Observing and logging in the details of your pet’s behavior and feeding habits is important to help you identify any behavioral changes.

  • Observe your pet’s eating habits. Are they eating less than usual? Are they throwing up more often or having a hard time keeping food down? You should also look for other signs that something could be wrong, such as fatigue or lethargy, which can be symptoms of an underlying health problem.
  • Record what you observe in a logbook so you can easily track how long these symptoms last each day. This will make it easier for your veterinarian to diagnose the problem and find an effective solution that works for both you and your pet’s digestion problems!

Consult a Vet and Be Very Specific

If you’re having trouble pinpointing the digestive problem your pet is suffering from, you must consult a vet. The symptoms of digestive problems can vary greatly from animal to animal and from one breed to another.

It’s important not to generalize your pet’s symptoms; for example, if your cat has diarrhea or vomiting but does not have any blood or mucus in its stool, then it is unlikely that he has a gastrointestinal illness such as colitis or enteritis. In addition, be sure that the symptoms you list are relevant.

For example, if your dog has chronic diarrhea and vomiting but no fever or weight loss and has been eating normally. It is unlikely that he has an acute food allergy (although he may still have other types of allergies). Finally, make sure the list includes only things which indicate a digestive problem (such as nausea) rather than things that could indicate something else entirely (such as lethargy).

Difference Between a Tummy Ache and Food Poisoning

Some general signs can help you differentiate between tummy aches and food poisoning:

  • Tummy aches are usually caused by digestive problems, whereas food poisoning is typically a result of consuming contaminated food or water.
  • A tummy ache may be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, which are symptoms of food poisoning. However, some pets can have an upset stomach without vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Food poisoning usually lasts less than 24 hours. If your pet has been ill for more than 24 hours and shows no improvement after taking medication to relieve his discomfort, it’s time to see a vet.

Deal With a Sensitive Stomach Correctly

Not all stomachs are created equal. Some dogs can eat anything they want and never experience digestive problems, while others have sensitive stomachs that need careful attention. To help your dog with a sensitive stomach, there are some things you should do:

  • Try feeding smaller meals more often. If the food has been digesting well, then you can increase the amount so long as you don’t feed your dog too much at one time or increase it too quickly.
  • Switch to a diet that is easy to digest and rich in fiber—such as lamb meal or chicken meal with brown rice compared with chicken meat alone. These types of foods help keep dogs regular by adding bulk to their stools and absorbing excess moisture from their intestines (which helps prevent constipation).
  • Feed a diet rich in probiotics, which act as “friendly” bacteria for good digestion (and bad breath!). They also boost immunity by fighting harmful organisms in the gut like E-coli infections; this makes them especially important for senior pets who may be experiencing other health issues such as kidney failure or diabetes mellitus because both conditions compromise the immune system’s ability to fight off infection effectively on its own.


If you follow these tips, your pet is sure to have lesser digestive problems. The first step to helping your dog is by being vigilant and noticing the change in behavior and feeding habits.

If you observe that your dog is feeling under the weather due to a strained stomach or improper digestion, take it to a vet right away. You can even consult with a vet online for advice if you don’t feel like going out of the house.