Practical Ways to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Feeling Burnout

Practical Ways to Take Care of Yourself When You're Feeling Burnout


You’re burned out. We’ve all been there. Maybe it’s from a long day at work, or maybe you’ve been feeling like this for weeks on end. Whatever the reason, you need to take some time for yourself to recharge and get back on track; otherwise, your productivity will suffer and you’ll start making mistakes that could cost you in the long run. Here are some practical ways to take care of yourself when you’re feeling burnt out:

Acknowledge your thoughts and feelings

It’s very important to acknowledge your feelings, even if they’re uncomfortable. Don’t ignore them or bottle them up, letting your emotions take over can lead to burnout.

As you start to feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, it’s easy to get caught up in negative thoughts that make things seem worse than they are. For example: “I can never get anything done on time” or “Everyone is always better at this than me.” These kinds of thoughts will only make you feel more stressed out and cause you more work later on when trying to overcome the obstacles created by those negative thoughts. Instead of letting these kinds of thoughts consume all of your time (and energy), try thinking positively! Focus on all the good things happening in life right now instead of dwelling on those things that aren’t working out quite as planned yet.

Figure out what changed

If you’re feeling burnout, it’s important to figure out what changed in your life. Is there something that happened recently that could have caused the burnout? Maybe a friend moved away or a relationship ended–or maybe something else entirely.

It’s also worth considering whether or not your symptoms match up with depression and making sure they don’t overlap too much. The two conditions do share some similarities, but there are key differences as well. For example, people who are experiencing depression tend to exhibit more negative thoughts and emotions than those who are burned out on their jobs or projects (and vice versa).

Another thing to consider is how long this has been going on; if this is just a short-term slump where things will eventually improve on their own then it may not be worth worrying about too much; however, if it seems like something more serious then it might be worth seeking professional help sooner rather than later.

Consult a Psychologist

Feeling burnt out is a common experience for many people. It’s important to know that it’s not just something you can just “get over” by yourself and that there are many ways you can take care of yourself when dealing with burnout.

One way you can take care of yourself when dealing with burnout is to consult an adolescent psychologist. It’s recommended that you consult a psychologist if you are feeling overwhelmed or exhausted by your work. A psychologist can help you figure out what is causing your burnout and how to manage it. They may also be able to recommend some techniques that will help you get back on track at work and in life.

Receive Physiotherapy Treatment

When you’re feeling burned out, it’s important to take care of yourself and get the help you need. Physiotherapy treatments are one way to do this.

Physiotherapy treatments from Burwood physiotherapy are used by people who have injuries or chronic conditions that affect their mobility or ability to perform normal activities. They can also be used by healthy people who want to improve their fitness, posture, or flexibility.

The best way to improve your health is through exercise and diet changes. However, if you’re experiencing a lot of pain or discomfort due to an injury or condition, receiving physiotherapy treatments can help reduce pain and discomfort while strengthening your muscles and joints so they function better.

Meet a Doctor If You have a Headache

When you’re feeling burnt out, it can be really hard to know where to start. Sometimes, you just need to sit down and breathe, or call a friend and talk it out. But sometimes, you need a little more help than that.

If you have a headache that won’t go away, or if your head feels tight and painful, try meeting with a doctor at a migraine and headache clinic. The right doctor can help you figure out what’s going on with your body and give you advice on how to get better.

Your doctor will want to know:

What kind of pain do you feel? Is it sharp? Dull?

How long has it been going on? Is it getting worse over time?

Does anything make the pain better or worse (such as eating food or drinking water)?

How often does this happen? Does it happen all the time or only once in a while?

Do something that is just for you

  • Do something that is just for you.
  • You might love to play basketball with your friends, but if it’s been a while since you’ve done so and your body isn’t feeling up to the challenge, then maybe skip it this time and do something else instead! Do what makes sense for your current state of mind and body. If that means taking a bath or going out for coffee with a friend, go ahead and do it! Whatever helps lift your spirits will benefit both short-term (you feel better) and long-term (you’re more likely to avoid burnout).

Prioritize a healthy lifestyle

  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Exercise regularly, and make sure to get enough sleep and rest.
  • Take breaks from work regularly to recharge your batteries, whether it’s with friends or family members, in nature (a walk around the neighborhood), or even just sitting quietly by yourself for 15 minutes each day.
  • Make time for self-care activities like meditation or yoga that help you relax and feel better about yourself overall!

Get support from friends and family

As a professional, it’s easy to feel like you should be able to handle everything on your own. When you’re feeling burned out and overwhelmed, however, this is not always possible. It can be hard to ask for help when you’re used to taking care of everyone else around you–but sometimes the best thing for your mental health is reaching out and asking someone else for support.

Sometimes it might even be necessary: If your family or friends are unsupportive or dismissive when they see how much work has been piling up lately (or if they’ve been ignoring the fact that there was any work piling up), then it may be time for them not just as a source of stress relief but also as an outlet where someone else understands what’s going on with us right now.”

Learn to say no

Learning to say no is an important part of taking care of yourself. You don’t have to explain yourself or make excuses for saying no, but you must do so respectfully.

It can be difficult for some people with ADHD to learn this skill because they feel guilty about turning down requests from others, especially if those requests seem urgent and important. But when we feel like we’re doing everything for everyone else and not getting anything back in return, it’s time for us to start setting boundaries–for our good!

Set boundaries on social media

  • Set a time limit for social media.
  • Delete social media apps from your phone, or at least turn off notifications so they don’t interrupt you when it’s not convenient.
  • Unfollow people who aren’t helping or inspiring you, but rather just bringing negativity into your life (or their own). If someone is being mean to you online, block them–it’s better than spending energy trying to deal with them!

Practice gratitude

  • Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging and appreciating what you have.
  • You can practice gratitude in many ways, but it’s important to find a way that feels good for you. For example, if writing down three things each day that make me happy makes me feel better, then I’m going to do that. If calling my sister and talking about our week makes me feel better than writing down my blessings or counting my blessings in some other way (which isn’t necessarily wrong), then I’ll call her instead.*
  • There are also some benefits from practicing gratitude:* It helps us focus on what we have rather than what we don’t have.* It reduces stress levels and improves moods.* It strengthens relationships with others by showing them how much happiness they bring into our lives.* We become more mindful overall so we notice more opportunities around us–opportunities that may not have been noticed before because our minds were too busy focusing on negative thoughts like “I don’t have enough money” or “I wish there were more time.”

Remind yourself that this isn’t permanent

Burnout is a temporary situation. You will get through this, and you’re stronger than you think.

You might not feel like it right now, but in the grand scheme of life, this burnout will be just another chapter in your story one that has as much value as all the others. Remind yourself that there are always ups and downs in life.


Hope you found these tips helpful. If you’re feeling burnout, it’s important to remember that it’s normal and there are many ways we can take care of ourselves. You don’t have to do everything listed here at once even one step toward self-care will help lift the burden off your shoulders.