What Are the Benefits of Float Therapies?


Many of us suffer from stress. Stress comes from many sources, and it can have serious health consequences. Chronic stress can even lead to heart disease and other serious health problems. One way to relieve stress is through float therapy in a sensory deprivation tank. This article will explore the benefits of float therapy so that you can decide if it’s right for you.

Reduce stress, tension, and anxiety

One of the most significant benefits of float therapy is that it helps to reduce stress, tension, and anxiety. This can be done by increasing blood flow through the body and reducing stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Some studies have found that floating can increase serotonin levels in the brain which can lead to feelings of happiness.

Floating also reduces pain and inflammation due to its influence on endorphins (pain-relieving chemicals) and cytokines (cell signaling proteins). This means that floating has been used by athletes for many years before competition because it helps them recover from training faster than traditional methods like ice baths or compression boots

Decrease pain and inflammation

Floating is a whole-body treatment that deeply relaxes muscles and joints, facilitating the release of tension and pain. When you float, you’re completely weightless in a water-based environment that’s about 100 times more buoyant than regular water. This allows your body to completely relax, letting go of any trauma or stress it may be holding onto.

Flotation therapy can help people with chronic muscle pain such as fibromyalgia or joint issues like arthritis because floating reduces inflammation through increased circulation and reduced cortisol levels (the “stress hormone”). Cortisol levels are also lowered when floating due to increased magnesium absorption into the cells from the salty water which helps decrease muscle spasms associated with pain by boosting serotonin production in brain tissue.

Floating has been shown to improve sleep quality for those who suffer from insomnia or restless leg syndrome by promoting deep relaxation during sleep. The effects on sleep quality are especially pronounced after several sessions: one study found that participants who floated once per week reported significant improvement in their ability to fall asleep faster than those who didn’t float at all.

Improve your athletic abilities

If you’re an athlete, float therapy can also help with your muscle recovery. When you exercise, your muscles become fatigued. The longer your workout goes on and the harder it is, the more quickly your body will fatigue and require rest. By using a float tank after exercise, you’ll be able to achieve a deeper state of relaxation than usual—even if it’s only for 20 minutes or so—which can help improve muscle soreness and tension caused by exercising too hard.

Float tanks are also beneficial for athletes who want to increase their muscle growth and strength over time. Studies have shown that floating has positive effects on testosterone production (which is essential for building muscles) as well as cortisol levels (which should remain low if you want to increase how quickly those muscles grow).

Finally, athletes may utilize floating because it reduces pain and spasms in their muscles—both of which are common ailments among those who compete regularly in physical activities like running or swimming long distances every day.

Boost circulation and improve heart health

One of the most significant benefits of floating is increased circulation throughout your body. During a float session, you lie in water that’s between 95 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit (depending on your preference) for about 90 minutes. Your body temperature rises slightly, which causes your blood vessels to widen and become more permeable so that blood flows more freely through them. The added warmth also relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to the brain, which can help improve mental clarity. This process boosts circulation to all parts of the body which can lead to some pretty impressive results:

  • Increased heart health: A study published in Experimental Physiology found that flotation therapy has a positive effect on cardiovascular function by reducing systemic vascular resistance after exercise; improving endothelial function; decreasing arterial stiffness; boosting parasympathetic activity (the “rest-and-digest” part of our nervous system) during exercise; increasing peak oxygen uptake at submaximal workloads.
  • Improved sleep quality: Flotation therapy can have a positive impact on overall sleep quality because it reduces stress levels while also promoting relaxation and restfulness.

Improve sleep quality

  • Sleep quality improves. Float therapy allows you to drop into a deep state of relaxation, which can result in better sleep and more REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. One study found that float therapy sessions increased slow-wave EEG activity during the first half of the night, which is key for deep sleep that helps improve memory consolidation. In addition, people who participated in float therapy sessions experienced increased melatonin production after their sessions. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate your circadian rhythm or internal clock. This means that your body will be better able to fall asleep when it’s time because of its increased production of melatonin following a float session.

Enhance immune system function

The immune system function is improved by the relaxation and reduced stress that occurs while floating. According to a study published in the journal Complementary and Alternative Medicine, floating increases the production of natural killer cells (NK), which help fight disease. Further, it also increases the production of T-cells and B-cells, which are key to fighting infection.

Float therapy offers many benefits to our overall well-being

The benefits of floating are numerous, and they can be broken down into four categories: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Floating has been scientifically proven to help with pain as an anti-inflammatory modality. It’s also effective in lowering blood pressure and reducing stress levels. The high concentration of Epsom salt in the water is an excellent way to detoxify the body and help ease muscle tension by drawing toxins out through the skin while you relax in the salt-infused environment; this is especially helpful for people experiencing chronic pain or illness whose systems may have become overwhelmed with cellular waste over time.


If you’re looking for an alternative way to relax and rejuvenate, then float therapy might be the answer. It can improve your sleep quality, reduce stress and anxiety, and give you more energy throughout the day. If you enjoy spending time in nature or being outdoors but find yourself feeling exhausted when you return home at night, then this type of treatment might be just what you need.