When Is The Right Time For Adult Braces?

Currently, over four million people in the United States wear braces, and 25% of them are adults. If this statistic surprises you, you’re not alone.

Many people don’t think adult braces are that common, but hundreds of thousands of adults all over the country are taking control of their health and investing in themselves.

If you think you may need adult braces, this article is for you.

Read on to explore everything you need to know about braces for adults.

You Have Crowded or Crooked Teeth

When you think of getting braces, you probably don’t think of braces for adults. Yet, if you couldn’t get braces as a kid, or you did and your teeth returned to the state they were in before the treatment, adult orthodontics is a viable option.

Perhaps the most common reason children get braces is because of crowded or crooked teeth. If this is the case for you, you should consider getting adult braces.

Even if they are only slightly crooked, braces can transform your life. Having straight teeth is a natural desire, and you deserve it even as an adult.

It’s your time to shine.

You’re Experiencing Issues With Chewing

If you are having difficulty chewing because your teeth need to be straightened, you should definitely get braces.

Not being able to chew your food properly can lead to other health problems because your digestive system will have to work harder to break down your food.

Along with this, food is probably getting stuck between your teeth, as having difficulty chewing probably means having severely crooked teeth or severe overcrowding.

This also means it is most likely challenging to clean your teeth, which means poor oral hygiene. This can lead to more health problems as well, so if this is an issue for you, it’s wise to get adult braces.

You Want to Feel Your Best

As you get older, you inevitably want to look and feel your best. The stressors of adulthood can take a toll on your physical appearance. You may grow self-conscious of your teeth, especially if they shift as you age.

If you’re unsatisfied with your teeth, getting braces can give you a whole new smile. Adult braces can give you the confidence you’re looking for.

Of course, wearing braces as an adult can be difficult, as it isn’t as commonly accepted as it is as a child. Yet, this part will only last a few months, and the results will last a lifetime.

Now is one of the best times to get braces as an adult, too, because everyone is masking up. No one will even be able to notice that you have adult braces.

Once the masks are history, your braces probably will be, too.

New Options Available

When you were a kid, braces were clunky and chunky and outright ugly. Today, there has been so much technological development that you can choose whatever kind of braces you want.

Some are virtually invisible, allowing you to live your life completely interrupted. Once you explore your options below, call your family focused Dental Service today to secure your braces appointment.


The first types of braces to explore are Invisalign, the invisible braces. These are clear aligners you wear all day and all night but take them out when brushing your teeth and eating meals.

You will receive new aligners every few weeks that will help to move your teeth gradually.

Invisalign is a very popular option for adults because they are so discreet. Because you can take them out to eat, it also allows you to continue to eat whatever you like with no disruption to your diet.

However, Invisalign is the most expensive option among the types of braces. Along with this, clear aligners do not work for all cases, as some severe cases may not qualify.


Ceramic braces are the next most discreet option.

These have a metal wire like traditional metal braces but have ceramic tooth-colored brackets. This makes them much less noticeable while still being durable and effective.

Ceramic braces are a bit more expensive than traditional braces and can work for most orthodontic cases.


If you’re looking to straighten your teeth on a budget, metal braces are an excellent option. These are the traditional braces that are similar to the ones you knew as a kid, but they are much less bulky.

While they still have metal brackets and metal wires, everything is thinner and more comfortable in your mouth.

They are the cheapest option for braces but are the most noticeable.


Lingual braces also have metal brackets and metal wires, but they are put on the inside of your teeth. Like Invisalign, these are invisible, but they do not work for all cases.

This option would work for you if you have a mild case of crooked teeth. Just keep in mind that they can be difficult to clean and be quite uncomfortable throughout the treatment process.

It’s Never a Bad Time to Look Into Getting Adult Braces

If you’re looking for a sign to get adult braces, this is it! It’s time to focus on yourself, and getting braces is the perfect way to do that.

While it may be a few months before you see the results, taking the first step is still significant. Call your orthodontist today to set up a consultation and start your journey.

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